Do NOT remove your immediate dentures for the first 24 hours after placement. Removing your immediate dentures can cause swelling and make replacing your immediate dentures difficult and, in some cases, even impossible.
You will see your dentist after 24 hours to have your gums, bone, extraction sites, and immediate dentures evaluated. Immediate dentures will be adjusted as needed.
It is important to wear your immediate denture after initial delivery to protect your extraction sites, control swelling and bleeding. The fit of the immediate denture will change as your tissues and bone heal. Over time, bone ridges will change shape and reduce in size, and your immediate denture will not fit as it did in the beginning. An immediate denture is often only a temporary solution that will require a relining and a new permanent denture. A relining of the immediate denture is needed 3-5 months after initial placement. A new permanent denture is usually required within one year after your immediate dentures have been fabricated. A new permanent denture will fit more comfortably and have better retention.
Do not drop dentures; they are fragile and might break if dropped. Stand over a soft cloth or towel when handling your complete dentures. Store your dentures in a secure place away from children and pets.
Clean your immediate dentures daily with a toothbrush to remove food particles, plaque, and foreign debris. Brushing your dentures on a routine basis also prevents permanent stains from adhering to your dentures. Use a soft bristle brush and avoid a hard-bristle brush to clean your dentures. You may also use hand soap or mild dishwashing liquid to clean your dentures. Avoid using bleach to your denture as it might distort the color of your dentures.
At first, only soft foods should be eaten with your new immediate dentures. Soft mash potatoes, jello, or yogurt is acceptable on your first day of wearing dentures. After a few weeks, firmer foods can be introduced into your diet. Cut all your food into small pieces and eat slowly when you begin eating with your dentures. Chew on both sides to distribute biting forces evenly and prevent soreness on one spot.
After 2-4 weeks, most patients can learn how to eat and talk while wearing their dentures. After The extraction sites have healed (2-6 weeks), you may apply dental adhesive (example: polygraph) for better retention.